How Your HVAC Works With Your Doors & Windows
Heating and Cooling System Basics
The majority of us seldom give thought to our heating and cooling systems. In the colder months, we count on our heaters to keep us toasty, and in the warmer months, we rely on our air conditioners to keep us comfortable.
Calling in the pros is a no-brainer when the heat or air conditioning stops working. Thankfully, there is another option. Doing some routine maintenance and fast adjustments on your heating and cooling systems yourself may save you a ton of money on service calls and keep them running smoothly. But first, you need have a fundamental understanding of how HVAC systems work.
Mechanisms of Heating and Cooling Systems
Each climate-control device or system consists of three primary parts: an air heating or cooling source, a distribution system to get the air to the spaces that need it, and a way to set the desired temperature in the space (e.g., thermostat). The distribution and control systems for a home’s heating and cooling systems are often shared between the two. A central air conditioner uses the same ductwork and thermostat as a central heating system. Any of these three primary parts might be at fault for a broken heating or cooling system.
Heat always goes from a heated item to a cooler one, just as water flows from a higher to a lower level. Heaters and furnaces distribute heat throughout a house, while air conditioners remove heat.
All home heating and cooling systems need fuel to function. Electrical power is required to run an air conditioner. Typically, gas or fuel oil is used to power residential heating systems, whereas electricity is used for other types of heating. The heat pump, a temperature control device driven by electricity, may be used to both warm and cool the air around it. Use it in the summer to remove excess heat from your home’s air. When it’s cold outdoors, it draws heat from the air and transfers it within.
When a furnace is switched on, whatever fuel is used to operate it gets burned. Heat is generated when fuel is consumed and distributed throughout a residence through ducts, pipes, or electrical wiring before being released via registers, radiators, or heating panels. Older systems generate heat, which is then used to heat water, which is then used to heat the air in your house. Typically, a boiler stores and heats water, which is then pumped via pipes in the walls, floors, and ceilings to provide heating.
A coil in an air conditioner uses electricity to chill a gas to a liquid form, which is then utilized to cool the room. Through the use of a cooling coil, warm air in your house is cooled before being sent to individual rooms in your home through a network of ducts and registers or, in the case of room air conditioners, straight from the unit itself.

Systems for Distributing Heat and Cold
After air is heated or cooled at the furnace or air conditioner, it must be piped to each room in the house. Forced-air, gravity, and radiant systems are all described below as viable options for achieving this goal.
Forced-Air Systems
A forced-air system uses an electrically driven fan, called a blower, to move heated or cooled air from a furnace or air conditioner throughout a residence through a network of metal ducts. While the warm air from the furnace is being distributed throughout the house, the cooler air from the rooms is being returned to the furnace through a separate network of ducts. The volume of air circulating through your house may be altered using this device. It is the same forced-air system, including the fan, that allows central air conditioners to both provide cooled air to the rooms and draw warmer air back for re-cooling.
Failure of the blower is a common cause of issues with forced-air systems. An additional expense to operating a furnace is the amount of electricity used by the blower, which may be distracting if it’s running while you’re trying to heat your home. A forced-air system, on the other hand, uses a blower to efficiently distribute conditioned or unconditioned air throughout a building.
Gravity Systems
The concept of gravity relies on the idea that hot air rises and cool air lowers. Because of this, air conditioning systems that rely on gravity to move air cannot be employed. The hearth is often placed close to or even under the floor with a gravity system. After being heated, the air is forced upward and distributed throughout the home through registers in the floor. Because heat registers must always be higher than the furnace, they are often mounted high on the walls if the furnace is on the main level. Because of its increased temperature, the air begins to ascend. Air that has cooled to a certain temperature sinks, enters the return air ducts, and is recirculated back to the furnace.
Radiant heating is another kind of fundamental heat transfer. Typically, a furnace will heat water, which will then be pumped via pipes located in the walls, floors, and ceilings to provide heating.
Radiant Systems
In order to heat a space, radiant systems can heat the room’s walls, floors, or ceilings, or more often, they heat the space’s radiators. The air in the room is warmed by these devices. Electric heating panels are used in certain systems to produce heat, which is then radiated into the space. These panels, like gravity wall heaters, are often used in places with mild winters or where power is cheap. There is no way to utilize a central air conditioning system with a radiant cooling system.
In older houses, radiant heat is often distributed by radiators and convectors connected to a central hot water heating system. In order to transport the hot water generated by the boiler to the radiators or convectors, these systems may use gravity or a circulator pump. A hydronic system is one that employs the usage of a pump or circulator.
Homes with a concrete slab foundation are well suited to accommodate modern radiant heating systems. Hot water pipes are embedded in the concrete floor at various depths. The air that comes into touch with the floor is warmed by the concrete as it is heated by the pipes below. It’s not necessary for the slab to grow really hot; the air above it will warm up in due time.
Multiple issues may arise with gravitationally dependent radiant systems. Mineral deposits and improper pipe alignment are two common problems with the systems that transport warm water to homes and businesses. Another potential problem is if the boiler that uses the heat source to heat water breaks down. Rarely do you see a hot water heater in a brand new construction.
Discover how to keep the temperature and humidity under control with the help of your heating and cooling equipment in the next section.
Controls for Heating and Cooling Systems
The thermostat, a heat-sensitive switch, is the primary device that controls your home’s temperature.
It detects variations in the temperature of the air around it and switches on or off the furnace or air conditioner as required to keep the temperature at a predetermined level known as the set point. The thermostat’s main component is a bimetallic element that expands and contracts when the temperature in a home rises or falls.
Two exposed contacts are seen on older thermostats. As the temperature decreases, a bimetallic strip bends, creating one electrical contact before moving on to the next. When the second contact closes, the heating system and the anticipator on the thermostat are completely enabled. The anticipator causes the bimetallic element to bend and break the second electrical contact by heating it. However, the initial contact has not yet been broken, and the heater continues to operate until the temperature climbs over the thermostat setting.
Coiled bimetallic strip components are used in more sophisticated thermostats, and the contacts are protected under glass to keep dirt out. The bimetallic components begin to uncoil as the temperature declines. The force produced by the elements uncoiling separates a stationary steel bar from a magnet at the coil’s end. The magnet approaches the glass-encased contact, pushes up on the contact arm within the tube, and closes the contacts, completing the electrical circuit and turning on the heater and anticipator. As the air in the room warms up, the coil begins to unwind, breaking the magnet’s grip on the contact arm. The arm falls, breaking the circuit and shutting off the apparatus. The magnet returns to the stationary bar at this moment, leaving the connections open and the heater switched off until the room cools down again.
The newest heat and air-conditioning controllers employ solid-state electronics to regulate the temperature of the air. They are usually more precise and sensitive than earlier technologies. Repairing solid-state controllers, on the other hand, frequently necessitates replacement.
Understanding how your home’s heating and cooling systems work can allow you to spot issues before they become too severe.

Controls for Heating and Cooling Systems
The thermostat, a heat-sensitive switch, is the primary device that controls your home’s temperature.
It detects variations in the temperature of the air around it and switches on or off the furnace or air conditioner as required to keep the temperature at a predetermined level known as the set point. The thermostat’s main component is a bimetallic element that expands and contracts when the temperature in a home rises or falls.
Two exposed contacts are seen on older thermostats. As the temperature decreases, a bimetallic strip bends, creating one electrical contact before moving on to the next. When the second contact closes, the heating system and the anticipator on the thermostat are completely enabled. The anticipator causes the bimetallic element to bend and break the second electrical contact by heating it. However, the initial contact has not yet been broken, and the heater continues to operate until the temperature climbs over the thermostat setting.
Coiled bimetallic strip components are used in more sophisticated thermostats, and the contacts are protected under glass to keep dirt out. The bimetallic components begin to uncoil as the temperature declines. The force produced by the elements uncoiling separates a stationary steel bar from a magnet at the coil’s end. The magnet approaches the glass-encased contact, pushes up on the contact arm within the tube, and closes the contacts, completing the electrical circuit and turning on the heater and anticipator. As the air in the room warms up, the coil begins to unwind, breaking the magnet’s grip on the contact arm. The arm falls, breaking the circuit and shutting off the apparatus. The magnet returns to the stationary bar at this moment, leaving the connections open and the heater switched off until the room cools down again.
The newest heat and air-conditioning controllers employ solid-state electronics to regulate the temperature of the air. They are usually more precise and sensitive than earlier technologies. Repairing solid-state controllers, on the other hand, frequently necessitates replacement.
Understanding how your home’s heating and cooling systems work can allow you to spot issues before they become too severe.
How Windows Affect Your Home’s Temperature
Windows are the biggest openings in your home. They let in light all day long, and that light may quickly warm a space. Because of this, your air conditioner will have to run longer than necessary to maintain a comfortable temperature, which will waste energy. How can I keep my house warm and cozy without blocking my window’s gorgeous view? If you want to lower your energy expenditures without sacrificing comfort during the hot summer months, consider these easy tips.
The Location Of Your Thermostat Matters
Thermostats incorporate thermometers to aid in temperature regulation. Because no ventilation system can completely distribute conditioned air, pockets of air near the thermostat dictate how much cooled air is delivered into your house. Unfortunately, many houses have cracks or other places through which outside air may enter. This might cause your HVAC unit to run for longer than necessary. To properly adjust your home’s temperature, seal any windows, doors, or other openings near your thermostat with weather strips, caulk, or other adhesives.
Never, Ever Leave Windows Open During Summer Months
During the summer, HVAC equipment can only provide so much cold air. Even the biggest and most powerful air conditioners cannot keep up with fully opened windows. Consider increasing the temperature to accommodate any family members who are too chilly. Freezing people out will simply push them to open windows, resulting in greater power costs and little difference in interior temperature.
Swap Out The Air Conditioner For Cool Breezes On Overcast Days
Because of the many elements that influence short-term weather, you can never predict when overcast, cold summer days will arrive without consulting weather predictions. When the weather isn’t scorching, switch off the air conditioner and open the windows to naturally and effectively cool your house. You save money every time your air conditioner is switched off. Natural, soft winds are very calming since they are a part of nature. Open those windows if it’s foggy and not too hot outdoors!
Prevent Warm Sunlight From Trapping Heat In Your Home
Greenhouses function by enabling heat to enter easily and get trapped inside their translucent surfaces. Houses have the same effect when direct sunshine shines through windows and doors, trapping heat within. Put up curtains, shades, and drapes in front of full-size windows and glass panes on doors to block off the greenhouse effect.
By keeping your windows in mind, you will be able to more efficiently maintain a pleasant temperature in your house without having to worry about wasted money.
Let Us Install Doors & Windows That Complement Your Home Heating And Cooling Needs